MATERIAL: I use a 2 part Urathane that will handle 250 degrees ( F ) and 5000 psi pressure.
It is real tuff stuff. You will not have to worry much about the resin. The super glue is weaker than this stuff.
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You can view my entire product line by clicking on links below. It is in "ABC" order for you. Works with Warhammer,Warlord,CAV,
or any of the 25,28 and 30mm miniature war game terrain & scenery. * *LOOK * *
Ask about individual pieces, or mixed set prices of tables and chairs. Shipping covered on Home page.
Blacksmith shop
Center Pieces
Cover stuff
Dwarf Furniture
Dungeon Decor
Elf Furniture
Food kit
Human Furniture
Orc Furniture
Magical Items
Mutant furniture
Steel Set
Space stuff
Space stuff 2
Undead Furniture & stuff
Sorry, from here down is under construction.
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