Our Business Philosophy
The objective of our business is to provide a high quality products, information and reliable service for our customers.
I try to help anyone I can, and sometimes get overloaded. I hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and viewing the
models and our products as much as we ( me and other sculptors ) enjoyed providing them for you.
My mission statement.
To provide the best: model parts, and custom made bits, for others to use and enjoy. All is done to
help pull you into the game.
Our Employees
Employees,---I wish. It is just me, and some real up and coming sculptors,that provide this stuff. So unless business grows
by leaps and bounds it will stay this way.
Why are you doing this?
To me it is fun, my kids
like it, and I have been all over the world. I have seen the ruins, the castles, the ancient cities, which gives me a good
eye for the old world stuff. I also have built equipment for many years, so models are a cake walk for me. As for the futuristic
stuff, I have a passion for that kinda stuff also. The real reason I do this is because I remember being a kid, and remember
that I wanted some of the toys to do more and have more stuff to go with them. It was not available. Now if a kid wants a
cryogenics tube for his Space Marines, all he has to do is e-mail me and I will make him one. If a kid wants a working drawbridge
for his castle, all he has to do is e-mail me and I will make him one. This holds true for any gamer, any period, I do requests
within reason. The kids today are the real reason I am doing this. As well as those of you, like me, that are kids at
Clay Crutcher