This cork board is great stuff. It can be used to make a piece of terrain look like dirt. Get the 1/8" sheet of cork.
1. cut to fit the floor of a house. 2. prime when you prime the whole model. 3. paint a shade of light brown and highlight
the high trafic areas of the house with a lighter shade of brown. It makes a great dirt floor for a simple house or ruin.
This is where I come in. I make all sorts of accents for models. You can order pieces from any of my lines of furniture. It
makes a model house look lived in when you add the details to it. To place these items you just need to imagine yourself being
there. Where would you want a table or a barrel? Use a little commen sense and place the details in places that would not
be in your way. EXAMPLE: ( A table would be in the way in the middle of a room unless it is a large room. So place it
by a wall. ) This way your model characters can move about to shoot from a window.
Wood trim
Some models may need to look a little fancier than the others. This will work for wood or concrete designs.
1. Take a piece of thin card and make your design with a pencil. Push down hard to make a indention in the card ( A simple
cross hatch will work such as this ////// or this \\\\\\ )
2. When you have the entire card covered in the design spray both sides with clear spray paint. Be sure you let it dry
3.Cut out the strips of your design. If some curl, straiten them and place in a thick book for a while.
4. Glue in place on your model, and cut to fit the pieces.
5. Now you paint it, then dry brush with a lighter shade. You may have to dry brush several times getting lighter each
If you need to fill in some gaps try Elmers glue with baby powder mixed in. It can be as thick or as
thin as you need it depending on the mix. I make it about like toothpaste and use a piece of card to smooth it on where I
need it.
Caulk can be a good filler as well, but it tends to be glossy after you paint it. I try to use Red Devil
quick dry spackle for much of my terrain filler, and it does paint up well. The finish is a flat finish like most of the other
parts of a terrain model. It also works good for snow models. You just have to play with it a little to see what is possible.
Take a 1 quart pan or bowl. Make a basic terrain piece around it.
1. Put a 1 x 4 plank all the way around your game table.
2. Place the bowl you made in the center.
3. Add water to the bowl or pan.
4. Drop in chunks of dry ice.
5. Watch the fog or smoke fill the table.
The 1 x 4 will stop the fog/smoke from going off the table. It is heavier than air so it will fill the whole table top.
Dry ice can be purchased at ice cream shops, and if you have a Randall's food market they also have it.
Have fun...
SNOW - tip
There are many products on the market for snow scenes. Almost any of them work well. In a pinch Arm & Hammer
baking soda works well mixed with PVA or Elmers glue. Also baby powder works well mixed with glue. Make the snow drifts with
a mixture about like tooth paste. Then use it with a spray adhesive to coat any rocks trees or baren terrain. Also hair spray
works to make it stick to terrain. Play with it till you get the result you want.
As I have time I will be adding to this page. I can always help you with any project you may have. Just contact
me for any specific model you may want to build, and I will try to give you some tips.
The main thing is practice, and a general plan with scale.
With this you can start to build the pieces and build yourself a model.